Patagonia, Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Information about casinos in Patagonia

What Is Luck?

Text: Pablo Etchevers
Ilustration: Dalmiro Zantleifer

“Lucky in the game, unlucky in love”, the old saying goes and sometimes it applies perfectly well, according to the superstitious. However, there are exceptions to the rule. For some people it happens that the luckier they are in the game the luckier they are in love; and there are those who prefer to keep love before luck.

The truth is that the world today features several factors beyond individuals such as chance, luck and probability, which generally meddle in the life of men.

Gambling is a clear material example in which these factors manifest as such and, as there they are ruled by no logic at all, it is possible to expect any result.

The Luck

There is no doubt that this is what attracts gamblers: any number may come out, any card may be hidden in the layout, the croupier may be holding a card whose value is less than ours, luck may cause all the dice to show the same face. Luck may be on our side at any moment and, in fact, the point is that facts may happen which we might consider to be good or bad. When we gamble, choosing and not choosing at the same time gives us the probability to make fortune or lose everything.

Nothing is written because anything can happen. That is what chance is all about.

The Luck
Ski - Snowboarding

These sports are considered adventure travel par excellence. Extreme ski consists of going down quite a steep mountain with nothing but your skis. People practicing this activity have to use this technique in its maximum expression, giving priority to safety rather than to downhill speed.


Rafting is a team sport, in which all the crew members in the boat row and position themselves in a coordinated manner in order to balance their weight when going through the river rapids and keep themselves afloat.
The standard number of people allowed on the boat is from six to eight crew members, depending on the boat size.
Rafting beginners are recommended to remain in the center of the boat. Those who are somehow experienced and prefer to row may stay in front, whereas the most experienced generally stay at the back.

Inter Patagonia - Information about casinos in Patagonia
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