Wineries in Patagonia Argentina

The facilities located in the southern region of Argentina are immersed in ideal weather conditions for the making of wines used as a base for sparkling wines, produced mainly from the Semillón vine. Likewise, varieties such as Pinot Noir and Merlot manage a balance between sugar and acidity, reminiscent of European wines. This area's best virtue is the strong wind, as it produces dryness in the atmosphere thus avoiding the outburst of diseases. This is translated into the possibility of making organic wines, without the need to add any agrochemical products. Here we present the most important wineries located in this enigmatic area of Argentina:

Río Negro - Argentina


Ruta 22 Km. 1208

Telephone: 02941 +54 (011) 4639-9504 / +54 (0299) 477-1758  

It belongs to new winemakers that work with the same passion and tradition as the first immigrants who dared to cultivate these lands to plant the vines. The Bodega Estepa vines are located in two Patagonian environments with antagonic features:
* the Alto Valle area, on the northern bank of the Negro River, where the weather is more humid and less hostile, with vineyards over 45 years old, characterized for being protected from the wind and for responding to traditional ridge type plantation systems. This area includes 50 hectares of vines, with Malbec, Merlot, Syrah, Pinot Gris, Cabernet Sauvignon and Torrontés vineyards.
* and the steppe area, on the southern bank of the Negro River, where the weather is very dry and the soil very wild, in a picturesque site of 100 hectares with non-traditional vineyards. There, grapes co-exist with the local flora made up by jarillas, chañares, cactus varieties and wild fruit, sharing the same weather inclemencies with them. In these vineyards, growers aim at capturing the spirit of the Patagonian nature, the wilderness, the extreme. The merge of these two vines, in addition to the technological advances implemented in the winemaking area, give way to limited productions of exclusive excellent wines that carry the history of each of the vintages, thus obtaining a moderate but strong wine, slightly sweet in the palate but with a remarkable influence of tannins, purely and entirely Patagonian.

Neuquén - Argentina

Familia Schroeder

San P. del Chañar - Calle 7 Norte

Telephone: 0299 +54 9 299 508 6767 / +54 9 299 588 0359  Cell Phone: 15-5086767 / 15-5880359  

The vineyards of this family undertaking are located 39º South latitude, in the Valley of San Patricio del Chañar, 53 km towards the Northwest of the Province of Neuquén. Neatly distributed on soils with a sandy and rocky texture, they are irrigated with spring creek waters by means of a drip irrigation system. These factors, added to the remarkable amplitude between day and night temperatures, give as a result grapes with excellent levels of color, acidity, aroma and high enological quality, ideal to produce wines with deep quality and innovation, with intense colors, complex aromas, which remind of fruit and spices. At the Schroeder Family winery, the wines based on five varieties of grapes grown in Patagonian lands are gaining international renown: Malbec, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay. The facilities were specially designed and adapted to the profile of the surrounding cliffs, with five levels that allow a natural movement of the grapes and the use of gravity for the delicate process of wine making. In addition to this, the automatic temperature control and the underground conditioned cellars meet the latest technical demands. This Argentinian family with European ancestors and deep Patagonian roots make wines capable of transmitting the remote spirit of the Southern area of the country and its mysterious charm. If you pass by the Province of Neuquén, do visit these facilities.

Río Negro - Argentina

Humberto Canale

Chacra 186 - J.J. Gómez

Telephone: 02941 443-0415/0882  Fax: 49-9024  

The Bodega Humberto Canale, founded in 1909 by the engineer after whose name the company was baptized, had a fundamental role in the development of viticulture in this region. In this way, the high valley of Río Negro acquired the category of specific terroir , and the grapes grown there were recognized as having the single qualities granted by the geographic location of such region. Four generations later, the winery combines the founder's craft wisdom with the most modern techniques. The whole infrastructure is addressed to the constant enlargement of its operation capacity in order to assist the increasing export demand especially from Northern Europe and the United States . Nowadays, the winery is managed by engineer Guillermo Barzi Canale, who together with a highly qualified team, the support of assistants of international prestige and under the protection of the great master Raúl de la Mota, form a group that harmonizes efforts in order to obtain the best viticulture of the cold areas.

Río Negro - Argentina


Ruta Provincial 7 - Km 12 - Valle Azul

Cell Phone: 15-4530412  

The Noemía winery project is the result of the discovery of an ancient vineyard, planted with Malbec grapes in the 1930s, in a remote nook of the Río Negro Valley. The arid weather of the area, the great amplitude between day and night temperatures, the well-defined seasons and the area free of any disease did the rest. Countess Noemí Marine Cinzano, famous producer of Italian wines and Danish winemaker Hans Vinding-Diers, were partners in this project. They perceived the fitness of the place and the perfect micro-climate of the valley for the production of high-quality wines. The vineyard occupies only 1.5 hectares, has been planted with Malbec pre-philloxera vines from the Massale selection and it is irrigated only 5 times a year. After ripening, grapes are collected at dawn, by hand, and then transported directly to the winery. All the production of Noemía de la Patagonia wines is purely handmade, without the intervention of any machine whatsoever. The endless commitment between winemakers, the effort and desire to make old style wines and the reliability of its owners in this delicate undertaking give origin to a rich, complex, concentrated, exuberant, delicate, elegant but, above all, genuine Malbec. All the production is exported directly to England.

Vinos Patagonicos

Wines and Sayings

Sayings are statements containing irony and metaphors which have accompanied the culture of the peoples from the early days of history. Expressing popular wisdom, common sense, sometimes contradictions, other times cruel reality and some other times comfort, they are usually an amusing truth that contributes to the enrichment of everyday language, thus strengthening the identity of the people. Here we present some of the best-known sayings, the most subtle statements that have been expressed by many characters who seem to have known wine well:

Sweet is the wine but sour is the payment.

Don't put new wine into old bottles

Water for oxen, wine for kings.

As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar, the truest lover may turn into the worst enemy.

Every cask smells of the wine it contains.

Good wine takes time.

Wine cheers the sad, revives the old, inspires the young, makes weariness forget his toil.

Wine divulges truth.

From good wine, good vinegar.

A bottle of wine contains more philosophy that all the books in the world.

Wine can of their wits the wise beguile, Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile.

Wine gives strength to weary men.

Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it.

This is one of the disadvantages of wine; it makes a man mistake words for thoughts.

Beer is made by men, wine by God!

InterPatagonia - Information for Patagonian Wines

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