Aluminé How to get there

From Zapala, only 120 km from Villa Pehuenia and 184 km. from Neuquén, you must take Provincial Route13 after crossing the snow park in Primeros Pinos. From that place to Alumine there are 60 km along pebble route 23 bordering the river Aluminé.

Another option is to take Provincial Route 46 in Zapala until Route 24 and there get to Cuesta del Rahue, famous for its views of the Andes.

From San Martín de los Andes, you can take Ruta 40 to Junin de los Andes and cross the bridge over the river Chimehuin. After 100 km. pebble road you get to Aluminé.

International Passes

Paso Aluminé-Icalma

Leaving Aluminé along Routes Nº 23 and Nº 13, you arrive to Paso Internacional de Icalma, in the area of the Comisión de Fomento of Villa Pehuenia.
In that sector you will observe numerous Araucaria trees that will undoubtedly call your attention for their height and their old barks that have witnessed the history of local communities.
After a short drive from Aluminé you may stop at the cave of Ceferino Namuncurá, whose sanctuary was built in a natural cavern where there are images and offerings.
From Aluminé to the frontier there are some 50 km , and only some kilometres from Aluminé you will find the cave, and then arrive at Villa Pehuenia on the coast of Lake Aluminé.
The small summer village of Villa Pehuenia has been recently formed, and tends to turn into a relaxation and recreational resort.
Almost next to Villa Pehuenia is Customs and the frontier guard post that joins it to the cities of Melipueco, Cunco and Lonquimay, as well as to the main commercial centre of Temuco, distant some 135 km. from the border.
The building of Carabineros, the Chilean frontier guards, is at the beginning of the Araucaria forests that proliferate in Chile, and only some metres far you will be surprised by the beautiful Laguna de Icalma and big valleys covered by Valdivian Rainforest.
The height of the pass is 1269 metres above sea level, and it is due all year round, except on special occassions due to severe climatic conditions.
Timetable: From 8:00 hs. to 20:00 hs. in summer.

Paso Pino Hachado

Leaving Aluminé along Provincial Route 13 to the west, in km. 15 you will take route 23 to the east until km. 19, where you will drive parallel to the river Litran among Araucaria trees and camping sites. You will also pass by a very eroded area until km. 55 where you must lower the speed since the road is deteriorated and there are numerous seasonal water courses crossing the route. In km. 60 you arrive at Pino Hachado, 1864 m. high, open from December to May, distant 77 km. from Lonquimay, the first Chilean city.
You will pass by a Centenary tunnel built by the British to connect the commercial area with the Atlantic coast, a corridor now used by vehicles and intended to be rebuilt as a bioceanic corridor. It is 4.500 m. long and you will see when you cross to Chile that there are other minor tunnels not used at present.
You must pay around US$ 2 to access to the tunnel and wait for your turn according to the traffic light.

Distances from Aluminé to:

Bahia Blanca 615 km
Bariloche 235 km
Buenos Aires 1340 km
Caviahue- Copahue 150 km
Junin de los Andes 105 km
Neuquén 284 km
Paso Icalma 98 km
Paso Mamuil Malal 235 km
Paso Pino Hachado 95 km
Puerto Montt 531 km
Pucón 139 km
Temuco ( viaIcalma ) 270 km
Temuco (viaPino Hachado ) 210 km
Temuco (viaMamuil Malal ) 423 km
San Martin de los Andes 243 km
Santa Rosa 753 km
Villarrica 153 km
Temuco (from Villa Pehuenia via Icalma) 153 km
Temuco (from Villa Pehuenia viaPino Hachado ) 256 km

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