There in nothing more beautiful than walking around Bariloche

What visitors to Bariloche most doing is walking. That is why, a tour operator has been offering plenty of alternatives for a while now.

Barely a year passes before a very simple action is highly expected from newborns: taking their first steps. The truth is that after we all accomplish that mission, walking becomes so natural that we completely forget about how tough it was to start doing it. However, it continues to be one of the most appealing activities done by man. People who visit Bariloche have long realized that the best way to interact with the scenery and all the cultural sites in town is on foot. Therefore, a travel agency called “Historias de Bariloche Walking Tours” (Bariloche Walking Tours Stories) offers almost a dozen adventure options. The Civic Center Tour leads to one of the most emblematic sites in town a few minutes after 4pm from Tuesdays thru Fridays. It covers just a hundred meters in a 20-minute tour that will discover this iconic and picturesque monument as well as curious facts about it. Thus, tourists will see the famous Civic Center from different angles and listen to its anecdotes. After providing all that information, the guides will also mention the existence of the other theme tours available at the agency. Other options include “The German Track”, “The Museum and Cathedral”, “The European Legacy” and last but not least “A panoramic trek” that will let us grasp the beauty of this scenery.

  • Active thematic tourism

    Active thematic tourism

  • Guided on the beach

    Guided on the beach

  • German footprint

    German footprint

  • On the way to the lake

    On the way to the lake

  • In the Museum of Patagonia

    In the Museum of Patagonia

  • Talk about the past

    Talk about the past

  • mate testing experience

    mate testing experience

“The German Track” is a 1-kilometer tour on foot that will lead visitors around the German neighborhood and the sites related to the different moments in which German immigrants came to Bariloche ever since the foundation of the city to the aftermaths of World War II. Obviously, this tour also refers to the presence of nazis in Argentina, especially in the City of San Carlos de Bariloche, their myths and the role of the Argentinian government during those days that shook the world. Four historical sites are visited during this tour: the Civic Center, Club Andino Bariloche, the German School and the German neighborhood. Another very interesting tour pays a visit to the Church Cathedral and Patagonia’s Museum. This 2-hour tour on foot reveals the secrets and stories of our native peoples, the local wildlife, the national park, the origins of the City of Bariloche and the Jesuits who reached this area. The perfect finale for this tour is the interpretation of the Church Cathedral stained glass windows. Those who wish to understand the physiognomy of the City of Bariloche are advised to take part in “The European Legacy Tour”. A 2-hour walk will show the stamp of the pioneers and the European communities that settled down in this area, including the German, the Danish, the Italian, the Slovenian, the Austrian, the Swiss, the Russian, the Spaniards, the Hungarian, the Portuguese and others. It goes around the historic center and visits various monuments, schools, cultural centers, restaurants, chocolate shops, typical houses and other sites that give evidence of the European historical track in Bariloche. “The Panoramic Tour” is perfect for landscape fans. This 5-kilometer tour on foot takes two hours and shows different scenes of Lake Nahuel Huapi, the surrounding mountains, the historical sites and some residential neighborhoods. There is no doubt that walking is extremely important. In this case, Bariloche, its history, its culture and scenes can teach us a lot about this activity. We just need to take the first step

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Gentileza Historias de Bariloche Walking Tours

Contact of the excursion or tour

Historias de Bariloche walking tours

Centro de Bariloche, San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina

Cell Phone Cell Phone: +54 2944603924

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Activities and Tours in San Carlos de Bariloche

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