Equipment Rental in Cerro Castor

Equipment rental rates 2024
Mid-seasonHigh season
DaysJuniorStandardHigh RangeJuniorStandardHigh Range

Cerro Castor has 3 rentals, one located in the main base building, another crossing the bridge in the same building as the Restaurante Morada de Águila and another located in the Alpine building, for rental of cross-country skiing equipment.

The two rentals add up to 1800 complete top quality equipment. Among them you will find teams of: high range, carving, Junior ski, Snowboard, Snowblade, Skifox, snowshoes and cross country skiing.

The rental, totally computerized and with cutting-edge technology, avoiding the wait when returning the equipment. The systematized workshop (unique in Argentina) of equipment is of very high technological level, has 2 machines of numerical control, thus guaranteeing that the equipments of rent are in perfect condition every day of the season. There is also service to visitors who have their own equipment.

Mountain Shopping

Cerro Castor has 3 boutiques Popper Store at the base of its mountain that provide the skier all type of equipment suitable to enjoy the snow in the best way.

Equipment rental in Ushuaia

Escuela de Esqui Ushuaia

L. Martial 3551


Ushuaia Extremo Rental

San Martín 830


Wind Fly

25 de Mayo 155

+-2901-431713 +-9- | +-9-2901-515158

Ushuaia Extremo Rental

San Martín 830


Ushuaia Blanca

R. Nacional 3 Km 25 Las Cotorras


Jumping Rental Ushuaia

9 de Julio 128


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