El Calafate How to get there

If you leave Esquel along National Route 40 to the south, you have 180 km. of paved road up to Gobernador Costa, and from there until you take provincial route 20 you will pass by New Lubecka, La Laurita and Los Tamariscos, and immediately after this town you must turn right and take provincial route 22 to Río Mayo, distant 238 km. from Gobernador Costa, without any intermediate place to get supplies, for what it is important to take certain precautions.
There you will take National Route 40 and drive 123 km. on this pebble road to Perito Moreno.
Once in Perito Moreno, you can go on outings or continue to Los Antiguos, distant 62 km. and then continue along National Route 40 for 133 km. to Bajo Caracoles.
The sector ahead is desolated, and there are no services or villages, except for some touristic estancias.
Your references will be: Río Olnie, Las Horquetas, Tamel Aike, La Angostura, Lago Cardiel and Tres Lagos. They are 320 km from Bajo Caracoles minus 165 km from Tres Lagos to Calafate , along National Route 40.

From Río Gallegos, you arrive to El Calafate after 315 km. on a paved route. If you leave from Río Gallegos, you must take National Route 3, Provincial Route 5, National Route 40, and finally Provincial Route 11 to get to the city.

By plane

El Calafate has now an International Airport, situated only 18 km. from this city. It has a surface of 14.700 km2 and a 2.500 meters long by 45 meters wide landing strip . The planes that operate here are Boeing 727 and 737, and similar aircrafts for domestic flights.

Distances from El Calafate to:

Buenos Aires 2727 km
Com. Piedrabuena 287 km
Comodoro Rivadavia 959 km
Esquel 1108 km
Gobernador Gregores 335 km
Puerto Madryn 1388 km
Puerto Natales 362 km
Punta Arenas 605 km
Porvenir 561 km
Rawson 1345 km
Río Gallegos 298 Km.
Río Grande 645 km
San Julian 406 km
Santa Cruz 306 km
Trelew 1326 km
Ushuaia 863 km
Viedma 1785 km

International Passes

Paso Cancha Carrera
This pass is only due in summer from December to March, and permits the access from El Calafate after 286 km. along National Route 40. After Customs, you arrive at the area of Cerro Castillo, and if you turn to the south, you get to Puerto Natales in Chile.

Paso de los Baguales or Paso Oriental
Dust road, hiking or horseback riding

At 1287 meters above sea level, this pass is only accessible on foot or on horseback during the summer..

Cruz del Sur

El Calafate

Campaña del Desierto 920

Aerolíneas Argentinas

El Calafate

9 de Julio 57 - L. 1


El Calafate

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 3

Interlagos Turismo

El Calafate

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 5

Turismo Zaahj

El Calafate

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 7

Bus Sur

El Calafate

Terminal de Ómnibus - Local 9


El Calafate

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 6



El Calafate

Terminal de Ómnibus L. 4


El Calafate

Julio A. Roca 1004 L. 4

Los Glaciares

El Calafate

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 1

LAN Argentina

El Calafate

Aeropuerto Local



El Calafate

25 de Mayo 51

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