It was born on the shores of Lake Llanquihue, as a result of the German colonization. One century after the arrival of the colonists, it still preserves its traditions and customs for everyone to see.
When the region was still covered by glacial ice, Lake Llanquihue began to take shape as a consequence of the strength of the snowdrifts coming down the high mountain range. When the ice age finished and the snowdrifts finally receded, this pool received the meltdown waters and gave origin to large Lake Llanquihue. The Llanquihue is the second largest lake in Chile. The traditions and customs brought along by the German colonists in the late XIXth century are still in force there. The first group of colonists arrived on the shores of the Melipulli (near Tenglo Island) on November 28, 1852 coming from Germany. Ever since, the scenery would change forever. The traditional beer festival has been celebrated in this small city for years on the last weekend of January. During this ceremony, various sports and recreational activities are performed. Celebrations end with a great festival in which all generations from the children to their grandparents participate.
Leaving the city along Baquedano Street towards the North, the railway station and the Firemen Brigade Quarters are reached. These are the two oldest institutions in town. They were built when this place was only dwelled by birches, isolation and, of course, the vast lake. Walking down the same street, the legendary Club Gimnástico Alemán crosses our way. For a long time, it was the cultural and social center for recreational and sport activities of all cities growing on the shores of the Llanquihue. Following the same road to the end of the pavement, stands Totoral and the ancestors' monument: “Unsern Ahnen”. This monument was raised in 1937 to pay tribute to the first colonists. It consists of a stone wall and brass plates with the names of the 80 pioneers that reached this water mirror for the first time. One of the most beautiful panoramic views of the lake can be appreciated at that spot. Maybe it was the sight which captivated all those who are paid tribute by the brass plates over 100 years after the foundation of the city.