
Neuquén De las Banderas Square - Neuquén - Photo: Jorge González

The beautiful City of Neuquén is the capital of the province bearing the same name. Head of the District of Confluencia, it is delimited by the Limay and Neuquén Rivers and its name derives from the Mapuche word “Newenken”, which means “fast-flowing”.

To reach the city from Santa Rosa, travelers cover 522 kilometers across the Desert Road going past the Districts of Catriel and Colonia 25 de mayo up to Confluencia and then cross the bridge over the Neuquén River.

From the District of San Carlos de Bariloche, 443 kilometers are traveled along Provincial Route 237 across the Districts of Piedra del Águila and El Chocón. Bahía Blanca lies 544 kilometers away following National Route 22 or going across the High Valley of the Negro River.

As a result of its location between the valley and the high plateau, the urban layout of the city includes slopes. The plain close to the river is known as “el bajo” (Lower Neuquén) and to the north of the city, a natural balcony featuring incredible sights is called “el alto” (Higher Neuquén).

Neuquén is a strategic point in the national tourist network, with a strong cosmopolitan character and a wide range of cultural activities. A permanent division of the National Fine Arts Museum is located in the city and the archeological collection of the refurbished Gregorio Álvarez Museum may be visited, among other attractions.

The fertile valley where the capital is nestled is widely known for its excellent fruit production. Its delicious apples, grapes and pears are exported to the entire national territory.

The Limay River bathes the city on the south, offering the most varied nautical activities and fully-equipped swim resorts with all the services to spend a memorable day at the beach. Likewise, the Limay River is worldwide known as an excellent destination where anglers may find large brown and rainbow specimens.

Lago Barreales Paleontological Center is one of the city attractions: visitors may take part in field research tasks and help the team that rescues and prepares the dinosaur skeletons. Besides, future scientists who will continue to examine the paleontological sites in the province are trained at this center.

San Patricio del Chañar, where the best conditions in the province for winegrowing are given, lies just 53 kilometers away. Meltdown water, low humidity, ample temperature variations and the Patagonian wind provide special features to these wines that are exported from Neuquén to the world.

Tours and excursions in Neuquén 13 Tours and excursions

Map of Neuquén

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