Panguipulli How to get there

If you come from Argentina via Paso Hua Hum after crossing Lake Pirehueico from Puerto Fuy you must drive 55 km around Lake Panguipulli up to the city of the same name.

If you come from the north or the south, you can take the Panamericana until Lanco and there a secondary route to Panaguipulli for 49 km .

Distances from Panguipulli to:

Ancud 374 km
Castro 413 km
Chaiten 452 km
Chile Chico 1264 km
Cochrane 1209
Coihaique 865 km
Frutillar 210 km
Osorno 146 km
Pucón 109 km
Puerto Natales 600 km
Puerto Octay 196
Puerto Porvenir 447 km
Punta Arenas 457 km
Puerto Ibañez 974 km
Puerto Montt 248 km
Puerto Varas 231 km
Quellón 499 km
Temuco 143 km
Valdivia 117 km
Villarrica 101 km

International Passes

Paso Hua Hum

From Panguipulli there are 87 km to Puerto Fuy , where you must take a ferry boat to Lake Pirihueico and after 2 hs on a 30 km trip you arrive at the port and after a short sector, pass Customs in Argentina and Chile.
The height of the pass is 659 metres above sea level and travel 60 km. in Argentina until San Martín de los Andes along a wel maintained pebble road.

Hua - Hum


Buses Lafit


Gabriela Mistral 1000 - Of. 7

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