Monte León is a natural treasure by the sea that dazzles adventurers who travel through the vastness of Southern Patagonia. In its wildest character, this place reveals a unique panoramic view that merges with the Argentine Sea and the steppe, home to an exceptional biodiversity. The geoform that unfolds before the eyes resembles a lion lying down. Hence the name of the national park.

A natural lighthouse
Monte León appears as a natural sphinx between the steppe and the sea. Its profile has guided navigators throughout the ages, marking the routes and trails of adventurers. The sphinx is a natural lighthouse that illuminates the southern beauty, merging the solitude of the steppe with the majesty of the sea.

The Monte Leon National Park is home to a colony of Magellanic penguins. The Pingüinera trail offers panoramic views of the colony that begins to populate the beaches in October. In addition to the penguin experience, visitors have the opportunity to spot a wide variety of bird life, including gulls, cormorants, giant petrels, plovers and Antarctic pigeons. The nearby waters reveal the presence of Commerson's dolphins and southern dolphins, while the Lobería trail facilitates views of a sea lion rookery. The experience is enriched by the steppe scenery, the habitat of pumas, rheas and guanacos.

Los visitantes pueden disfrutar de una caminata por la playa y conocer sobre la vida de aves y mamíferos marinos. Los senderos conducen a miradores y colonias de pingüinos y lobos marinos, agregando mayor atractivo a la experiencia. Además, se encuentra disponible un camping organizado, abierto desde noviembre hasta abril.
The nearest town is Comandante Luis Piedrabuena, located 32 km away, on the north bank of the Santa Cruz River. The streets of this city are impregnated with art that recreates the stories of the pioneers, being the starting point of the settlement of Santa Cruz in 1859, and the original peoples, the Tehuelches. This place is a paradise for sport fishing, with species coveted by fishermen.

Part of the park's lands belonged to a sheep ranch, which today only offers a glimpse of what a Patagonian ranch was and the typical sheet metal and wood architecture that characterized the region. The rural house, of English construction from the beginning of the 20th century, was used as an inn in its last stage.
Among the recommendations for visiting Monte León, the entrance road becomes impracticable when it rains. For this reason, in order to preserve the safety of visitors and the condition of the road, vehicle access to the coastal area is not authorized until conditions improve.