Puerto Montt How to get there

Both from the south as from the north you may get to Puerto Montt along Carretera Troncal Panamericana.

Distances from Puerto Montt to:

Ancud 90 km
Aysen 603 km
Castro 175 km
Chaiten 204 km
Chile chico 1016 km
Cochrane 962 km
Coihaique 634 km
Frutillar 42 km
Osorno 101 km
Panguipulli 247 km
Puerto Ibañez 726 km
Puerto Natales 2299 km
Puerto Octay 64 km
Puerto Porvenir 199 km
Puerto Varas 16 km
Punta Arenas 2209 km
Quellon 251 km
San Martin de los Andes 589 km
Santiago de Chile 1016 km
Temuco 339 km
Valdivia 210 km
Villarrica 315 km

International Passes

Paso Perez Rosales

At 1022 metres above sea level, Paso Perez Rosales is 137 km from Puerto Montt, along Ruta 5 up to Ensenada; there are 16 Km of pebble road up to Lake Todos Los Santos, a car raft of 50 Km on Lake Todos Los Santos; 26 Km from Peulla to the Pass, crossing to Argentina via Puerto Frias in the lagoon of the same name on the west end of Lake Nahuel Huapi.

Paso Rio Puelo

From Puerto Montt you can get to Puelo through the route that joins Puerto Varas, Ensenada, Cochamò and Puelo, and from there, the access is only possible through trails, tracks or lake and river rafts. The Pass leads to Lake Puelo in Argentina, that you can travel by the north coast until you reach the small village of Lago Puelo, that joins El Bolsòn along a pebble road.

Vía Bariloche

Puerto Montt

Río de la Plata

Puerto Montt

Terminal de Buses - Of. 11



Puerto Montt

Canal de Chacao – Arturo Prat 100 Pargua



Puerto Montt

Tas Choapa

Puerto Montt

Terminal de Buses - Of. 2


Swiss Air

Puerto Montt

Benavente 305



Puerto Montt

Benavente 305



Puerto Montt

Terminal de Buses - Of. 21


United Airlines

Puerto Montt

Benavente 305


SKY Airline

Puerto Montt

Benavente 405 Loc. 4

+56-243-7555 / 56 / 57


Puerto Montt

Benavente 301


Naviera Cruz del Sur Ltda

Puerto Montt

Chacabuco 672 – Ancud


Cruz del Sur

Puerto Montt

Terminal de Buses - Of. 8


Avant Airlines

Puerto Montt

Benavente 305


Aero Chaitén

Puerto Montt

Qulliota 127


Aero Sur

Puerto Montt

Urmeneta 149


Ladeco - Lan Chile

Puerto Montt

O'Higgins 167 - L. 1º B

+56-600-661-3000 / 600-600-4000


Puerto Montt

Diego Portales S/N°- Of. 12

+56-225-1979 / 2926

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