Puerto Natales How to get there

From Río Turbio in Argentina you may cross through Paso Dorotea or Paso Casas Viejas and take route 9 to get to Puerto Natales after 14 km.

From Punta Arenas you can take route 9 to travel from Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales, distant 210 km.

Distances from Puerto Natales to:

Ancud 2440 km
Castro 2648 km
Cte. Piedra Buena 460 km
El Calafate 362 km
El Chalten 514 km
Gobernador Gregores 633 km
Osorno 2378 km
Porvenir 466 km
Punta Arenas 254 km
Puerto Montt 2299 km
Puerto Octay 1417 km
Puerto Santa Cruz 500 km
Rio Gallegos 295 km
Rio Grande 563 km
Rio Turbio 30 km
San Martin de los Andes 2218 km
San Julian 571 km
Santiago de Chile 3103 km
Temuco 2608 km
Tolhuin 696 km
Valdivia 2479 km
Villarrica 2392 km
Ushuaia 799 km

Distances from Puerto Natales to:

Casas Viejas (frontera) 15 kms.
Aeropuerto Tte. Gallardo 8 kms.
Río Turbio (Argentina) 30 kms.
Cueva del Milodón 24 kms.
Cerro Castillo 59 kms.
La Península (camping site) 89 kms.
Laguna Amarga 117 kms.
Laguna Azul 120 kms.
Río Serrano 143 kms.
Parque Nac. Torres del Payne 147 kms.
Morro Chico 101 kms.
Punta Arenas 247 kms.
Calafate (Argentina) 362 kms.
Glaciar Perito Moreno (Argentina) 440 kms.

International Passes

Paso Dorotea

This pass is 618 metres above sea level and you will access after 27 km. along route 250 to the frontier, pass Customs, then return to the route for 14 km. to the city of Río Turbio.
November to March: Open 24 hours.
April to October: Open from 8 hs. to 00 hs.
Contact: Sargento Segundo Carabineros Don Humberto Punoñanco Maye.

Paso Casas Viejas

This pass is at 239 metres above sea level, and distant 14 km. from the city of Puerto Natales. After passing Customs, you get to the city of Río Turbio, distant 19 km. from the frontier.
Contact:Capitán de Carabineros Don Rodrigo Medina Silva.

Cancha Carrera

This pass is only due during the summer, from December to March, and permits the access from Puerto Natales through the area of Cerro Castillo to National Route 40 to Calafate in Argentina.

Buses Fernandez

Puerto Natales

Eluterio Ramirez 399

Buses Cootra

Puerto Natales

Baquedano 244

Bus Sur

Puerto Natales

Baquedano 668

Buses Turis Sur

Puerto Natales

Phillipi c/ Valdivia

Buses JB

Puerto Natales

Prat 258

Vía Terra

Puerto Natales

Bulnes 632

Cutter 21 de Mayo

Puerto Natales

Eberhard 560

Transporte Maria Jose

Puerto Natales

Esmeralda 869

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