Puerto Pirámides How to get there

Leaving from Puerto Madryn along provincial route 1 and 2, after 77 km you arrive at Istmus Carlos Ameghino, visible from Golfo San José and Golfo Nuevo. From the istmus to Puerto Pirámides in the peninsula there are 25 km in a west-east direction.

From Viedma you must take national route 3 to the south, passsing by the crossroad to Las Grutas, until the crossroad with route 2 where you must turn to the east to Puerto Pirámides.

Distances from Puerto Pirámides to:

Buenos Aires 1430 km
Comodoro Rivadavia 490 km
Dique F. Ameghino 218 km
El Calafate 1418 km
Esquel 694 km
Gaiman 185 km
Puerto Madryn 104 km
Punta Tombo 221 km
Rawson 152 km
Rio Gallegos 1265 km
Rio Grande 1611 km
Santa Cruz 1022 km
Trelew 171 km
Ushuaia 1829 km
Viedma 477 km

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