Punta Arenas How to get there

If you travel along the Atlantic coast from Río Gallegos, you must take the last sector of national route 3 until Paso Integración Austral and after Paso de la Frontera you must take route 255 until the junction with route 9 that goes to Punta Arenas, distant some 210 km. from the frontier.

From Río Turbio in Argentina you can cross the frontier through Paso Casas Viejas, next to Puerto Natales, and there take route 9 to Punta Arenas, distant 210 km.

By plane:

The access to the region by plane is daily carried out by LanChile, Ladeco and Avant Airlines. The flight takes 3 hours and a half.

Distances from Punta Arenas to:

Ancud 2427 km
Bariloche 1930 Km
Castro 2461 km
Coihaique 1580 km
Cte. Piedra Buena 684 km
El Calafate 605 km
El Chalten 745 km
Gobernador Gregores 876 km
Osorno 2177 km
Porvenir 316 km
Puerto Montt 2286 km
Puerto Natales 246 km
Puerto Santa Cruz 530 km
Punta Delgada (crossing to Argentina) 162 km
Rio Gallegos 264 km
Rio Grande 417 km
Rio Turbio 276 km
San Julian 618 km
San Martin de los Andes 2206 km
Santiago de Chile 3090 km
Temuco 2413 km
Tolhuin 550 km
Ushuaia 653 km
Valdivia 2284 km
Villarrica 2379 km

International Passes

Integración Austral

At 170 metres above sea level, this pass joins through routes 9 and 255 in Chile , the city of Punta Arenas with the Argentine frontier and continues in Argentina with national route 3 to Rio Gallegos distant 76 km from the pass.

Paso San Sebastian

Crossing from Punta Arenas in the transshipping to Puerto Porvenir, there are 142 km. of unpaved road to Paso San Sebastián, where you get to Argentina, where you must present all the corresponding documents. From that place, there are 81 km. of paved road along national route 3 to the city of Río Grande.

Franklin Javier Chavez Arteaga

Punta Arenas

Camino Club Andino - Km. 7

SKY Airline

Punta Arenas

Roca 935

Lan Chile

Punta Arenas

Bories 884

Julio Sopik

Punta Arenas

Chiloe 157

Aerovías Dap

Punta Arenas

O`Higgins 891

Vía Patagonia

Punta Arenas

Magallanes 990

Navimag S.A.

Punta Arenas

Magallanes 990



Punta Arenas

Jose Mendez 554

Transbordadora Austral Broom S.A.

Punta Arenas

Av. Bulnes 5075


Sandy Point

Punta Arenas

Pedro Montt 840 - Local 4


Punta Arenas

Manuel Rengifo 1973

Compañía Naviera de la Patagonia

Punta Arenas

José Menendez 918


Aerovias Dap S. A.

Punta Arenas

O Higgins 891

Marítima Fitz Roy

Punta Arenas


Buses Fernandez

Punta Arenas

Armando Sanhueza 745

Bus Sur

Punta Arenas

José Menendez 552

Transportes Juseverto

Punta Arenas

Población Pedro Aguirre Cerda 2955

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