Travel and Tourist Agency

San Martin de los Andes, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina

Mobile +54 9 2972 537761

Why choose Latitur for your adventure and nature tourism experiences?

LATITUR is the first platform dedicated to the outdoor world, which allows guides and specialized local agencies to offer you their activities and excursions without intermediaries at the best price. We believe that no one knows their attractions better than they do and that your travels will be enriched by having this knowledge. LATITUR is a new way to enjoy your holidays, adding to the traditional options the possibility of living traditional experiences in nature and other unique ones hitherto unknown.

If any inconvenience occurs with the provision of the service, a mediation process will be initiated by LATITUR to determine the responsibilities in this regard. Each of the users will be able to express their position regarding the provision of the contracted service and provide the evidence they wish. Based on these, LATITUR will determine whether it is appropriate to release the funds to the guideagency,to refund them in wholein part for non-compliance with the services offered, at the same time that it will evaluate the suspension on our platform of the provider that did not comply with its value proposition.

IMPORTANT: Remember that if you made the purchase using the "payment at destination" payment method, you will not be able to count on LATITUR's guarantee and satisfaction service.

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Hotels and ccommodations in San Martín de los Andes

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