Temuco How to get there

The Carretera Panamericana Troncal in Chile leads to Temuco both from the north or from the south.
You can come from Argentina through Paso de Icalma or Pino Hachado passing by Lonquimay , Curacautin and Lautaro .

Distances from Temuco to:

Ancud 429 km
Bahia Blanca (via Paso P.Hachado) 1100 km
Bariloche (via Mamuil Malal) 479 km
Bariloche (via Puyehue) 489 km
Buenos Aires (via Paso P.Hachado) 1741 km
Castro 514 km
Coihaique 973 km
Cochrane 1315 km
Chaiten 557 km
Chile Chico 1370 km
Frutillar 316 km
Junin de los Andes ( via Mamuil Malal) 245 km
Neuquén ( via Icalma) 439 km
Neuquén ( via Pino Hachado) 510 km
Neuquén ( via Mamuil Malal ) 623 km
Osorno 236 km
Panguipulli 143 km
Paso Icalma via Melipeuco 114 km
Paso Mamuil Malal via Curarrehue 118 km
Paso Pino Hachado via Victoria 249 km
Paso Pino Hachado via Lautaro 215 km
Paso Puyehue (Cardenal Samoré) 339 km
Pucon 112 km
Punta Arenas 2413 km
Puerto Aysen 957 km
Puerto Ibañez 1080 km
Puerto Montt 339 km
Puerto Natales 2424 km
Puerto Octay 301 km
Puerto Porvenir 553 km
Puerto Varas 337 km
Quellon 604 km
San Martin de los Andes (via Mamuil Malal) 286 km
Santiago de Chile 677 km
Valdivia 162 km
Villarrica 87 km
Zapala (via Icalma) 270 km

International Passes

Paso Alumine-Icalma

Leaving from Temuco you will pass through araucaria forests that will call your attention for their height and the age of their barks, which reflect the long history of local communities. You will arrive at Carabineros, the Chilean control, after passing by the beautiful Laguna de Icalma and big valleys covered by Valdivian rainforest. You will also have passed by Melipueco, Cunco, Lonquimay, and the main commercial city of Temuco, distant 135 km from the border.
Once in Argentina , there are some 50 km to Aluminé, passing by the little village of Villa Pehuenia, formed during the past few years as a relaxation a recreation spot.
Short before Aluminé and after passing the lake of the same name, you will find the sanctuary of Ceferino Namuncurá, whose homage is recreated in a natural space carved in the rock in the mountain, where an image and offerings are placed, and you can make a halt.
The height of the pass is 1269 metres above sea level, and it is open all year, except under very adverse climatic conditions.
Timetable: from 08:00 to 20:00 hs ( in summer).

Pino Hachado Pass

It is open year round and it could only be closed in extreme weather conditions. It travels through the valley of the Litran River, in a landscape dominated by monkey puzzle trees. It joins the Chilean cities of Lonquimay, Curacautín, Lautaro and Temuco.

It goes through an ancient tunnel constructed by the British to connect the bordering commercial area with the Atlantic coast in a corridor now used by vehicles, which is being remodelled as a bioceanic corridor. Its length is 4.500 m., and when Chile is reached, other minor tunnels -now abandoned- may be observed at diferent heights.

The present rate is 400 Chilean Pesos for private vehicles, the equivalent to u$s 1, approximately.

Vía Bariloche


Rodoviario del Araucano Bol 5


Avant Airlines


Arturo Prat 565 of 101


SKY Airline


Bulnes 677 - L. 4


Lan Chile


Bulnes 687

+56-227-2138 / 223-5436



Bulnes 687


ALA Línea Aérea


Panamericana Sur Km. 681




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