Manzanar - IX Región
Carretera internacional 181 Km 18 Curacautín
Located 18 km to the East of the District of Curacautín, amidst lush vegetation. In the facilities, there are hot spring bath tubs at 48º C. They work all year round and have 3 hot springs whose content is stored in a pool made of concrete, and distributed into the tubs from there.
Bath therapy may be done in the private bathrooms of the hotel rooms or in 10 individual bath tubs, inside a pavilion located on the shores of the Cautín River. In the summer, an outdoor pool works without hot spring waters.
Sector Los Cajones - X Región
Km. 16 Cno Coñaripe a Parque Nac. Villarrica
Near the District of Coñaripe, this resort is an original choice of thermalism in Chile for their particular shape. Located in the Villarica National Park, the Geométricas hot springs stand out for the abundance of their hot spring sources, around 60, which spring out from the Aihué Ravine at a temperature of 80ºC.
This hot spring resort has 16 hot spring pools, separated from one another and with waters whose temperatures range between 35ºC and 42ºC and 4 pools of cold water. In addition to the pools, the resort has baths, a pavilion to change clothes, lockers and an open
Cuesta de los Añiques - X Región
Coñaripe a Liquiñe-km 15
This resort is located 140 km. to the South of Temuco, 60 km. to the South of Villarrica and only 15 Km from the place after which the hot springs are named. Nestled amidst exuberant nature and specially created for the health and comfort of visitors, it has 5 hot spring pools -one of them located indoors- with hydromassage, and water temperatures ranging between 39º and 42º and charged with mineral salts. Its modern facilities guarantee a complete rest and welfare with comfortable and large rooms built with local wood.
As it is situated in the surroundings of Lake Pellaifa, a sunken forest may be visited while you watch the natural environment with beautiful sights of the Villarrica and Mocho Choshuenco Volcanoes.
Visiting the Patagonian museums is a way of having a close link with the life, the customs and the natural environment of its communities.
Paleontology, archeology and history are some of the disciplines developed in these sections dedicated to witnessing the culture of the region.
The beauty of the lakes located in the Patagonian area or the large sea bathing its Atlantic coast offer the ideal frame for the practice of nautical sports.
Surfing is a very complete sport, which forces sportsmen to train. It is intriguing, exciting, exhausting and it breaks with the activities you can perform on solid ground.
Cold blood and steel nerves are required in order to practice kayaking.