Villa La Angostura How to get there

From Bariloche you go north, and after 20 km you will find the route to Villa La Angostura distant some 70 km. This route is all paved and has a beautiful view of lake Nahuel Huapi.

From the north along the Route of the 7 Lakes, that you can take in San Martín de los Andes , there are 90 km across these mountain lakes with beautiful views along the way.

Distance from Villa La Angostura to:

Bahia Blanca 1017 km
Bariloche 83 km
Cipolletti 482 km
Comodoro Rivadavia 830 km
El Bolsón 190 km
General Roca 525 km
Puerto Deseado 1115 km
Neuquén 477 km
Santa Rosa 1027 km
Viedma 1041 km
Las Grutas 1121 km
Trelew 943 km
Rawson 976 km
25 de mayo 633 km

International Passes:

Paso Cardenal Samoré ex Puyehue

At 1314 metres above sea level (42° 29´ 07” south – 70° 25´ 91” west), this pass, which is open al year, is considered the second in importance in the country, and communicates directly with Puerto Montt (220 km), Osorno (117km), and with all the rest of Chilean Patagonia through the Carretera Austral de Chile .
The road is almost all paved, and in some sectors it is under construction and we must be careful. It is an important commercial pass with intense traffic. National Route 231 is a debris road with an average width of 7 metres and a good general state. The distance to the border is 4 km.
email: tel.494-996/997

Vía Bariloche

Villa La Angostura

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 3 y 6

Cruz del Sur

Villa La Angostura

Ruta 231 y Avda. Huemul


Villa La Angostura

Terminal de Ómnibus - Loc. 4

Villa La Angostura

+54-0810-555-7575 |

Tas Choapa

Villa La Angostura

Av. Arrayanes 152


Villa La Angostura

Terminal de Ómnibus

La Araucana

Villa La Angostura

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 4

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