Camarones History and Legends


If you date the birth of Camarones in the year 1900, you are not completely mistaken, but it is not totally true.
If one does not take into consideration the period of more than three centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards who, commanded by Don Simón de Alcazaba y Sotomayor, founded the province of Nueva León, the first non aboriginal settlings took place around 1890. By that time, sailors used the exceptional natural condition of the bay and its coasts to load and unload fruits and supplies. More than 30 ships brought general goods and took, year after year, wool, leather, and furs from farms in constant development.
In 1899, El Villarino, the ship where the mortal remains of General San Martín had been transferred from France, and navigated many times in the Patagonian coast, became a legend when she crashed its prow against the reefs of Islas Blancas, in the place where the Salmon Fishing Competition id held.
In 1900, the measuring of 200 blocks was ordered to produce the regulation of the town, and the date of that decree, passed on 10th October is considered as the foundation date.
In 1901 the telegraph line started functioning; in 1904, the Police Station; and in 1905, the Civil Court, in Paso de Piedra, 15 km. from the town.
Camarones was its people. Obstinate pioneer families imprinted their audacity and effort to found with their work this angle that constituted for many years the link between Patagonia and the rest of the country.
Some of the first houses are still standing, as well as the old general store owned by Don Antonio Rabal, which operated the first regular mail service between Bahía Camarones and Malaspina in a cart that carried mail, goods and even some audacious passengers who dared do the journey.
Doctors and teachers came, and the town stroke its roots with the strong will of those men and the group of women with them.
In 1909 the first Sociedad Rural de la Patagonia was created, and the traditional markets started to identify "Camarones type wool" as a different type of wool. At present, "lana Camarones" maintains such a prestige throughout the world.
In those times, the Civil Judge was cattle breeder Mr. Mario Tomás Perón, and his sons Mario and Juan Domingo, who became a landmark in nationsal history and a political symbol of the century, used to run around those pebbled coasts with adolescent attitude.
Today , the peaceful bay where hills descend from Meseta de Montemayor, holds a meaning of hope in the effort of those 1200 inhabitants , experts in the wonderful daily experience of wrapping themselves in the peace and silence of a different place.

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