
This corridor includes the South of Chubut and the North of Santa Cruz, in the Republic of Argentina, and almost the entire XI Region of Chile.

From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, the area presents modern and booming cities, picturesque residential villages, riverside districts, small fishing villages and countless cattle ranches and farms producing fine fruit and vegetables.

With wild vegetation and low population density, the area expresses itself in multiple sceneries: beaches with crystal-clear waters and cliffs that give shape to beautiful natural vantage points; bays, capes and fjords originated by the glaciers; terraced plateaus, rich in paleontological and mineral beds, snow-capped peaks and petrified ancient forests.

Apart from the inexhaustible sea, the territory presents countless rivers, lakes, lagoons and channels that turn it into a paradise of sport fishing, as well as diving, submarine hunting and other nautical sports.

There is a large amount of natural protected spaces, such as the Laguna San Rafael National Park, which includes the San Rafael and San Quintín Glaciers and the Río Simpson National Reserve, the Península de San Julián National Reserve, the Laguna Park as well as other protected areas with animal species unique in the world.

The vast unexplored territories encourage adventure travel and turn it into a captivating destination for lovers of nature and challenge.

Central corridor cities



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