Where There Was Fire, Art Emerged

Contact of the excursion or tour

Grado 42

Belgrano 406, El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina

Phone Phone: +54 294-4493124 Cell Phone Cell Phone: +54 294-4693763


Av. San Martín 2531 Local 7, El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina

Cell Phone Cell Phone: +54 2944-583198

Level of DifficultyLevel of Difficulty: walking from the parking lot is medium level, not suitable for people with motor handicap.
TimetablesTimetables: open all day long.
How to get hereHow to get here: To get to the Carved Forest, you must take the mountain path that, leaving from Route 258, leads to the Piltriquitrón Mount platform. There are signs indicating the detour.
It is 13 km along the winding rubble road to a large parking lot where the vehicle is parked.
After approximately one-hour walk, depending on the rhythm of the march, you get to the Carved Forest.
Recommendations We recommend to take water and to start climbing in the morning or in the late afternoon. At noon, especially in the summer, the sun is too bright on the slope and walking along the path gets more difficult.
Wear light clothes and comfortable shoes for hiking.
No smoking. It is forbidden to throw away cigarette butts. Do not light fire. No camping.

All the efforts you make and the tiredness you accumulate will be widely rewarded when you get to the Carved Forest, a place unique in the country.

Activities and Tours in El Bolsón

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