Kayaking in the National Park and La Zeta Lagoon

The touring kayaks has become one of the favorite activities to explore the heart of the PN Los Alerces. A combination of well-being and freedom.

The Los Alerces National Park is a must for nature lovers, especially since it was named a World Heritage Site in 2017. The millennial alerzal is its preserved treasure, but the lake basin is one of the great destinations for motorless nautical activities such as kayaking or canoeing.

Touring kayaks

Touring kayak is one of the most booming outdoor activities today. From the water, with a new perspective, in the silence of the current, with hands touching the water, while the coastal landscapes and ancient forests of the national park run, the kayak allows you to discover the most incredible corners in a fair balance and low impact on nature.

  • Los Alerces National Park

    Los Alerces National Park

  • La Zeta Lagoon Urban Nature Reserve

    La Zeta Lagoon Urban Nature Reserve

  • Los Alerces National Park

    Los Alerces National Park

  • La Zeta Lagoon Urban Nature Reserve

    La Zeta Lagoon Urban Nature Reserve

  • La Zeta Lagoon Urban Nature Reserve

    La Zeta Lagoon Urban Nature Reserve

  • Arrayanes river

    Arrayanes river

  • Los Alerces National Park

    Los Alerces National Park

After an introductory talk, the adrenaline certainly invades the body. Visitors can check first-hand what we call paradise. A journey along the Arrayanes River, a hidden beach and a snack shared with friends. A backwater on Lake Verde, in the heart of the national park, oxygenating the lungs with mountain air, and marveling at the landscape. A walk to stretch your legs and marvel at the intense Futalaufquen. They are different sensations to those that animate the mountain walks. The sky becomes deep and enveloping, and the fluorescent turquoise of the waters is a sensory stimulus that invites you to immerse yourself in the hidden nature, guarded by the mountain laces. The Laguna La Zeta Urban Nature Reserve, 4 km northwest of the city of Esquel, is also a recreational destination where you can kayak. The landscape merges with typical transitional vegetation between the Patagonian steppe and the Patagonian Andean forest. Migratory birds find in the lagoon a place to rest and feed, so bird watching is added as a bucolic gift. The reserve has beaches, paths and camping areas. The climate and strength of the currents are determining factors in the plan of crossing. For this reason kayak tours are done with expert guides who spread their energy and enthusiasm. The ride can be half-day or multi-day, always with the regulatory team, and requires no experience.

Autor Miriam Coronel

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