We went out to explore the surroundings of Esquel to see Lakes Rosario and Vintter, and the Corcovado River.
We resolved to set out on a day-trip around the outskirts of
Esquel. We took the main street in town heading southwards, and then followed National Route 259, amidst viewpoints, rivers and thick forests. After getting past
Trevelin, Provincial Route 17 led us to Rosario Lagoon. At the 19th kilometer marker, we took a detour to the right towards the lagoon. The water body was surrounded by the Colorada and La Grasa Mountain Ranges. An indigenous village, with its own school, police station and grocery store, was a great chance to see the quality of the Mapuche products woven with virgin wool. Heading South, we came to the District of Corcovado, ready to confuse us with its totally anarchic layout. This town is the communication center with the roads to Chile through Carrenleufú and Palena, the road to the South towards Lake Vintter, and Provincial Route 17, which leads to Tecka through the steppe. Its development is based on livestock and forest activities. It lies very close to the District of Carrenleufú, next to the Chilean border (international pass).

The areas of Lake Vintter and the Corcovado River are particularly interesting for anglers: their salmonidae are highly coveted by fishermen from all over the world. To clear all doubts, visitors may drop by Rucu Leufú Inn in El Corcovado and see a 17-kilo 1-meter-long trout, a phenomenal catch managed in these waters years ago. The lake is the Argentinian portion of a huge water body on the Chilean side, where it is called Palena. Featuring an intense blue hue and strong swell, its beaches made of pebbles and the forests resting on its northern shore concentrate all the angling activities in the area.