Gobernador Gregores How to get there

The city is situated 85 km from Lago Cardiel, and you access to it along national route 40 and provincial route 25.

From Puerto San Julián there are 216 km. along route nº 25 .

From Comandante Luis Piedra Buena there are 190 Km along route nº 27.

Distances from Gobernador Gregores to:

Caleta Olivia 552 km
Com.Piedra Buena 210 km
El Calafate 335 km
Los Antiguos 437 km
Perito Moreno 363 km
Pico Truncado 202 km
Puerto Deseado 635 km
Puerto Natales 633 km
Puerto Porvenir 840 km
Puerto San Julian 209 km
Puerto Santa Cruz 230 km
Punta Arenas 876 km
Rio Gallegos 436 km
Rio Grande 801 km
Rio Turbio 535 km
Ushuaia 1146 km

International Passes

Paso Rio Mayer-Rivera Norte

Leaving from Gregores along provincial route 25 , then taking national route 40 and finally provincial route 25 , you arrive at the pass, the last sector of which is a pebble and clay road, and on the Chilean side, a horse trail, for what it is recommended to use a 4x4 vehicle.
The pass is 236 km from Gregores, and the city of Villa O'Higgins on the Chilean side is on the pass and connected to Cochrane along route 7.
The average temperatures in the pass are 4/25° C in summer and -5/-15° C in winter. It is situated at a height of 450 metres above sea level.

Paso Rio Mosco

It is a walking pass situated at 150 metres above sea level, with temperatures ranging from 12° C in summer and -7° C in winter .
The usual access from Argentina is by lake. There is also a horse trail used only by Gendarmería Nacional and local settlers. From Chile there is no access road by land, but only by air. the closest cities in Argentina areTres Lagos and Gobernador Gregores, and in Chile Villa O'Higgins, distant only 500 mts.

Paso Lago San Martin or Lago O'Higgins

At a height of 250 metres above sea level, with an average temperature of 12° C in summer and -8ª C in winter, it is situated at 49° 15´ 00” south , 72° 30´ 00” west, and the nearest city in Argentina is Tres Lagos, distant almost 200 km from Gregores along Provincial route 11, National route 40 and Provincial routes 31 and 33. In Chile, the nearest city is Cochrane, distant 170 km along the Carretera Austral under construction.

Cerro San Lorenzo

Gobernador Gregores

Beruti 970

El Pulgarcito

Gobernador Gregores

San Martín 704


Gobernador Gregores

Cristobal Colón 544

El Pegaso

Gobernador Gregores

Mariano Pejkovic 520

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