Puerto Guadal History and Legends


Though the precarious roads made journeys endless and tedious, the first colonists landed at this location in the 1920s lured by the beauty of the surroundings.

In 1930, the economy of this region was based on cattle raising and sheep husbandry. The wool would be sent north to be traded through Chile Chico y Puerto Ibáñez, the largest and closest cities. That is how agricultural and forest activities emerged and the small district became known in Santiago de Chile.

The highway known as Carretera Austral brought progress as well as capital, and accordingly a steady population, to Puerto Guadal. Its beauty began to attract tourism, which became the main driving force for this growing economy.

The main streets in the town were paved in 2000. This fostered urban development and services for the community. Today, the city is connected with the rest of the world, preserving the atmosphere of a magic town.

The history of this eye-catching city has just started to be written …

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