Turismo 21 de Mayo

Travel and Tourist Agency

Eberhard 560, Puerto Natales, XII Región, Chile

Mobile +56 9 77089844 Phone +56 61-2614420

Turismo 21 de Mayo is a consolidated tour operator in Puerto Natales, with more than 50 years of experience offering excursions in the Patagonia region. It specializes in navigations through the Seno de Última Esperanza, where visitors can explore glaciers such as Balmaceda and Serrano, and also offers unique experiences in the Bernardo O'Higgins National Park.

The company also manages the Estancia Perales and the Hosteria Monte Balmaceda, providing tourists with an immersion in nature and local culture. Its services include hikes through native forests and visits to typical estancias of the region, designed to connect travelers with the natural beauty of Patagonia.

Hotels and ccommodations in Puerto Natales

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