From the Sea to the Mountains

Contact of the excursion or tour

Campo Aventura & Outsider

San Bernardo 318, Puerto Varas, X Región, Chile

Phone Phone: +56 65-2231056

Level of DifficultyLevel of Difficulty: None. This tract is suitable for people over 10 years old, whether they can or cannot ride.
DurationDuration: There are different options. Generally, a night is spent at the riverside lodge and the following morning, the horseback excursion is made to the mountain shelter. Tourists stay for two nights and return on the fourth day.
How to get hereHow to get here: The excursion starts in the afternoon at Puerto Varas and, after an hour and a half, you get to the Campo Aventura riverside lodge.
Recommendations There are multiple horseriding proposals. Contact us and make arrangements with the agency according to your schedule. You can start with a kayak excursion from Ralún to Cochamó. Whichever option you choose, stay at least for three days.
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