Ku de Los Andes Steak House and Restaurant

The cozy architecture in addition to the painstaking assistance paid by the staff are completed by thirty years devoted to excellent cuisine.

Once more, we found ourselves inside Ku de los Andes, a steak house and restaurant located on the main street at San Martín de los Andes. Our family chooses to have a meal there every time we visit the city. As we went in, we made contact with its cozy atmosphere with details in solid raulí and lenga wood, which treasure the essence of the original mountain village. We said hello to its staff as we were visiting friends and sat at a round table, where we could be altogether and enjoy conversation. We had a look at the menu without haste in order to choose our favorite dishes. It was difficult for us to make up our mind, so we asked for some advice from the man in charge of the venue: Francisco Aguirre. We were aware of the fact that good grills take time. As we waited, we wished to try some tasty appetizer. Here came our first surprise. Francisco brought some delicious cold meat cut they call bresaola de bubalino, a specialty from Valtellina, northern Italy. The original recipe was brought from Europe to the cattle-raising area in the Province of Entre Ríos. The bresaola was presented along with green salad, Parmesan cheese flakes and olive oil. Flavored cheese and butter and crunchy warm freshly-baked rolls made the wait shorter.

  • Located on the main street

    Located on the main street

  • Cozy atmosphere

    Cozy atmosphere

  • Bresaola de bubalino

    Bresaola de bubalino

  • The extensive list of ingredients

    The extensive list of ingredients

  • Details in solid raulí and lenga wood

    Details in solid raulí and lenga wood

Fans of grilled meat at our table ordered bife de chorizo, bife de ciervo and bondiola; others resolved to try Patagonian lamb grilled on charcoal with sauce and garnish. We felt curious about what Francisco had said about the new trend to incorporate buffalo meat to the menus and we ordered one serving. "It comes from cattle raised in the area of Ibicuy, in the Paraná Delta. A strict breeding and feeding protocol is followed. The excellent pastures in the zone cause the meat to be lean and soft. Challenging palates choose it for its low-fat content and low intramuscular cholesterol, as well as for its natural attributes.” So we went for our buffalo steaks with three kinds of pepper and smoked mustard. Once they were on the table, we noticed that they did not look too different from the traditional cuts we are used to, and they turned out to be quite delicious. Garnish options were soft and not intrusive. In these cases, once the right cooking point is managed at the grill, the servings go through the kitchen to be added the sauce and garnish. As we had a look at the menu, we noticed that pots and pans are as important as the grill. Pasta, mushrooms, trout and even lamb are part of the extensive list of ingredients used in the different kinds of preparations. On cool days, goulash and regional dishes are among the favorite options. The waiters pay special attention to each table. They are polite and provide enough information to customers about the city and the surroundings. The walls boast old photos of San Martín de los Andes, unveiling the mystery of its past as a village with dirt roads and irrigation ditches. Huge tons of wood and shelves contain good wine bottles, which give evidence of how important it is to match meat with high-quality labels chosen by sommeliers and wine experts. The restaurant owners are proud of their outstanding cellar and exclusive menu for customers with celiac disease. Owned by the same family for decades, Ku de los Andes is part of city life. Its visitors' book gives proof of the great deal of celebrities that have enjoyed a meal at this venue and their congratulations and recurring visits.

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Autor Mónica Pons Fotografo Eduardo Epifanio

Contact of the excursion or tour

Ku de los Andes

Av. San Martín 1053, San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina

Phone Phone: +54 2972-427039 Cell Phone Cell Phone: +54 294-4651606

Location map

Activities and Tours in San Martín de los Andes

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