This immense Patagonian lake with an estimate surface of 450 km² and a depth from 40 to 50 m. conforms together with Lake Colhue Huapi,the basin situated 45º 30' south and 60º west. These two water surfaces receive the supply of River Sengerr coming from Lake Fontana (on the Andes range). It is at a height of 271 metres above sea level.
All this lake system contains an abundand ichtyc population, with native species like the Patagonian atherel, the perch and the catfish, or exotic ones like the trout, that reaches an excellent size and quality. It is an excellent place to practise nautic sports, fishing, or simply to enjoy its coast. Fishing is allowed during the twelve months of the year. Sengerr River: Municipal Campsite As an interesting comment we can tell you that in 1973 a group of sportmen from
Sarmiento joined both lakes navigating through the river Sengerr for 600 km. in a venturous deed. The waters of the Musters are usually rough and difficult to navigate, what means a challenge for nautic sportsmen. Lake Musters is named after an intrepid venturous character, George Chaworth Musters, an Englishman born in Italy in 1841, who travelled to the Falkland Islands in 1869 to prepare for the trip that made him famous from
Punta Arenas passing by Pavón Island in the river Santa Cruz, where he stays for a while in the factory of commander Luis Piedrabuena, while waituing for a Tehuelche expedition to the north. The expedition he carried out had never been done before. He travelled some seven hundred and fifty kilometers during ten months from the outlet of the river Santa Cruz to Carmen de Patagones on the coast of the river Negro. He integrated a Tehuelche caravan and lived in friendly terms with the feared patagonian aborigenes. Once in Buenos Aires, in August 1870, the newspaper "The Standard" published a summary of Musters' adventures.