Rates and promotions in Portillo

Rates 2024.

High SeasonLow Season
Adult Day (18 to 64 years)$61.000$46.000
Junior Day (5 to 11 years old)$42.000$32.000
Senior Day (65+ years)$24.000$21.000
Children's Day (up to -5 years)$12.000$11.000
Youth Day (12 to 17 years old)$44.000$35.000
Student Day (18 to 24)$48.000$40.000

High Season: Saturday, Sunday, Holidays and period between July 3 and August 18 (inclusive).

Low Season: Working days and out of high season.

CUPONS 2024.
10 Adult Tickets$400.000
10 Student Tickets$300.000
10 Adult Tickets: Family Coupon Box. One free child between 4 and 17 years old for each adult ticket.$400.000

Valid for use in 2024 and 2025 season.

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