La Unión bakery is a symbol of Tolhuin and a place of reference in the entire territory of Isla Grande (Big Island). We had a cup of coffee and tasted some delicious pastries as we learnt about its history.
Every time I mentioned I was going to visit
Tolhuin, everybody in
Ushuaia would say “you have to stop at the bakery”. This phrase reminded me of my childhood and when I was sent to do the shopping. But at Tolhuin, it expresses the main meeting point in the district. Of course I did not realize that until I arrived there in a cloudy and windy day, saw the desert streets and the solitary main square. Everybody was at the bakery. Therefore, no sooner do visitors get past the door than they understand the reason why it is so famous. Everybody visits this place, from the best known celebrities in the national scope up to the most anonymous and beloved characters. And they all leave a memory to share on its walls.

Of course that most of the tables were taken, there were queues at the counter and the coffee machine, and Emilio Saez (its owner) coming up and down, assisting customers and chatting a bit with them. For 23 years, he and his family have run La Unión and ever since those first days, there has been such a remarkable progress that even they find it hard to believe. The thing is that Emilio started selling bread at every door and today, having 25 employees, he just closes 3 hours at night. Emilio confesses that "it is madness”, not to mention the weekends, when about 5 thousand people arrive. Every now and then, in order to become a little detached from the crowd, he takes shelter in his cage, where he lodges toucans, macaws and other beautiful birds. A fan of who used to be one of the most prestigious physicians in the country, René Favaloro, Emilio has devoted a special corner to him amongst the countless photographs and articles that decorate his shop.

When I asked him about the secret of all this popularity, he replied: “being cool, our people”. And so it must be, as people buy the pastries and come out of the funny shop with a smile upon their faces.