Beer Tradition, Kunstmann beer

Contact of the excursion or tour


Ruta T-350 Nº 950, Valdivia, XIV Región, Chile

Phone Phone: +56 63-292969

Tour KindTour Kind: Gastronomical
DurationDuration: 2 Hours.
TimetablesTimetables: From 11:30am to 12:00am
How to get hereHow to get here: From the city of Valdivia, you must cross the Pedro de Valdivia bridge towards the Teja Island. Then, take the coast route leading to Niebla; after a five minutes' drive, you will make out a sign indicating access to the Kunstmann Brewery.
Recommendations At the moment of tasting, we recommend that you drink moderately an in the order suggested by the tour. In this way, you will appreciate the taste of each beer more accurately.
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