In Valdivia you can go back in time in an amusing excursion on a steam train riding around incredible landscapes in the branch Antilhue-Valdivia
This train is called "El Valdiviano", as baptized by the tourists . At present it is the only steam train circulating in Chile. It is old but comfortable.
The peculiar attraction of this wonderful excursion, apart from the trip to the past, is the opportunity to watch the landscape along the way on the bank of the Calle Calle river.

This magic convoy is composed by the steam engine type 57 Nº 620 that belongs to Ferrocarriles del Estado de Chile and was made by the Sociedad de Maestranzas y Galvanizaciones in 1913, with 2 - 6 - 0 - wheels, a 1676 mm. gauge and wagons Linke Hofman from Germany from the year 1920.

On this excursion you will learn that respecting and protecting the roots of the people is a fundamental step to social development.
In this sense, railways play a relevant role in protecting and preserving what remains from the past.