A Dog’s Life

Contact of the excursion or tour

Llienan Mapu - Paseos en Trineos

Arroyon Las Ánimas - Kms 13 y 17.5 - Moquehue, Villa Pehuenia / Moquehue, Neuquén, Argentina

Cell Phone Cell Phone: +54 2942-664705

Level of DifficultyLevel of Difficulty: low
DurationDuration: 30 minutes
TimetablesTimetables: to be arranged with the people from Llienan Mapu
How to get hereHow to get here: from Villa Pehuenia, you must go some fifteen kilometers along Provincial Route 13 till you reach Moquehue. By the road stands the signpost reading “Llienan Mapu – Snow Sled Rides.”
Recommendations the road that joins Villa Pehuenia and Moquehué is made of rubble; therefore, we recommend keeping a steady speed. Do not go too fast and slow down only if necessary. There are multiple and varied possibilities to go through this experience. We recommend that beginners take the thirty-minute ride called “Little Eskimo”. If you liked the activity, you may find out about the one-hour tours called “Jack London” or “Musher”. Llienan Mapu also offers the possibility to enjoy a three-day and two-night tour called “The Old Smuggler”.

Activities and Tours in Villa Pehuenia / Moquehue

Organiza tu viaje con: welcomeargentina.com | welcomeuruguay.com | welcomechile.com