Inter Patagonia Patagonia, Monday, March 10, 2025
Events calendar in Patagonia
Agenda de eventos en la PatagoniaEnglish versionthe Most Important festivals and events in Patagonia

Ushuaia –Tierra del Fuego
National Nordic Ski and Biathlon Festival)

Every year, during the month of July, this national festival is carried out in Ushuaia –Tierra del Fuego. This ski modality from Northern countries is nowadays practiced with remarkable intensity in the Tierra del Fuego scenery. It is ideal for the entire family, as it is done on flat lands with very low physical risk. The characteristics of the landscape surrounding the city of Ushuaia, with large valleys crowded with lenga, coihue and cinnamon-tree forests, turn the practice of this sport into a fascinating experience.

General Enrique Godoy –Río Negro
Festival Nacional de Folclore “Mirando al Sur” (“Looking at the South” National Folklore Festival)

About the middle of this month, the X Festival Nacional Patagónico de Folclore “Mirando al Sur” will be held in the district of General Enrique Godoy –Río Negro. Under the motto “The South exists too”, the Academia Municipal de Folclore Suyai, sponsored by the Municipality, will hold this festival in the facilities of the local sports center, aiming at bringing together the various associations and contributing with the re-appreciation of the native culture. During the event, the artistic labor of the various centers where Argentinian folklore is taught will be exposed to the audience and the technical jury for consideration.

San Carlos de Bariloche – Río Negro
Fiesta Provincial de las Colectividades (Provincial Festival of Collectivities)

At San Carlos de Bariloche – Río Negro – the immigrant collectivities gather this month at the Fire Department hall to celebrate the Fiesta Provincial de las Colectividades. Typical European and Argentinian dishes are served during this event and amusing shows are put on by the various collectivities, which present an important display of dancers on stage.

Trelew – Chubut
Fiesta Galesa del Desembarco (Gwyl Glaniad)

Every year, on July 28th, the Gwyl Glaniad, or Welsh Landing Festival, is celebrated in the city of Trelew – Chubut. The offspring of Welsh pioneers who arrived in these landes in the mid XIX century participate in this festive ceremony. Religious chapels become the center of celebrations. Welsh tea is widely served while games are organized and horse skills displayed. There are concerts in the evening.

Junín de los Andes – Neuquén
Encuentro Provincial Semana de la Artesanía Aborigen (Aborigine Crafts Week Provintial Meeting)

The Aborigine Crafts Week is held on July 20, 21, 22 and 23 at Junín de los Andes – Neuquén – where about 20 nearby communities gather to display and trade their authentic craft products.

Puerto Madryn – Chubut
Aniversario del Desembarco Gales (Welsh Landing Anniversary)

The city of Puerto Madryn – Chubut – commemorates the historical landing made on July 28th, 1865 on the shores of the Nuevo Gulf by welsh colonists. The contingent, formed by 153 immigrants, arrived in these lands in search for a site where to practice their faith, speak their tonge, keep their tradition and fully exercise their political rights. On July 28th, 2004 at noon, the historical Welsh landing will be recreated in the surroundings of the city harbor.

Punta Arenas – XII Región de Chile
Carnaval de invierno (Wi nter Carnival)

During two days, the Winter Carnival is celebrated in the city of Punta Arenas – XII Region of Chile – as the beginning of the winter season. Murgas, batucadas and allegorical carts become protagonists of the scene to transmit joy and fascination to the audience with such large display in the streets of the Brunswick Peninsula . The event ends on the banks of the Strait of Magellan with a show of fireworks that will delight both grown-ups and children, at only one hundred and fifty meters of height.

Puerto Williams – XII Region of Chile
Fiesta de la Nieve (Snow Festival)

During the third or fourth week of July, the Snow Festival is held at Puerto Williams – XII Region of Chile. It is the most important festival in the year and the one summoning the largest audiences in town. This competitive, artistic and recreational event includes various activities related to the winter season, election of the queen and musical shows. The celebrations will last for one week.

Punta Arenas – XII Region of Chile
XXVII Festival Folklórico Internacional de la Patagonia (XXV International Folkloric Festival of Patagonia)

In the city of Punta Arenas – XII Region of Chile – the XXV Festival FolklóricoInternacional de la Patagonia . The Consejo Regional de Magallanes (Magellan Regional Council), the Municipality of Punta Arenas and the Corporación Patagónica del Folklore (Patagonian Folklore Corporation) invite you with the purpose of the integration of the peoples of Argentina and Chile, through their music and folklore.

The dates and events are subject to modification by the organizers without prior notice. Before coordinating your trip, ask at the Tourist and/or Culture Offices in each town to check on any changes.
Inter Patagonia - information about Patagonia: Agenda
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