Inter Patagonia Patagonia, Monday, March 10, 2025
Events calendar in Patagonia
Agenda de eventos en la PatagoniaEnglish versionthe Most Important festivals and events in Patagonia

Esquel –Chubut
National Ski Festival

During the second fortnight of the month, the La Hoya Ski Resort, located 13 km from Esquel –Chubut– dresses up to celebrate the National Ski Festival. Like in previous years, one of the multi discipline competitions summoning participants from all over the world will take place. Everything starts with ski trials in the mountain resort, which outstands for the excellent quality of its snow. Sixty kilometers by mountain bike follow along the mountain paths which, despite the time of the year, still keep a large amount of snow on most of their surface. Afterwards, the participants will sail on kayak across the lakes with crystal-clear waters and, finally, run once again along 60 kilometers across the snow-capped mountains to end up in the very center of the city, after taking part in the competition for almost one entire day. In the evening, a unique show in the world can be enjoyed. The Magical Night. The whiteness of the mountains provides a matchless setting for a series of musical and humorous shows, which last till late hours. Kids, adolescents and grown-ups have fun in time to the various musical rhythms proposed by an unforgettable fancy party. For further information, please contact C.A.M. La Hoya at 54 2945 45 3018. E-mail address:

Ushuaia – Tierra del Fuego
National Environment and Ecology Festival

During the second fortnight of the month, the National Environment and Ecology Festival “Eco Earth” is celebrated in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego . This event proposes to generate a space for reflection and action capable of correcting patterns of behavior that jeopardize the habitat in which life can develop. Lectures given by specialists in the matter suggest fostering the exaltation of fundamental ethical values such as the solidarity with present and future generations and respect for life, which are determining factors in order to manage a more harmonic relationship between man and nature. At the same time, the rescue and revalorization of our local and regional cultures are fostered. Through them, the relationship identity-environment is deepened. For further information, contact the Tierra del Fuego Tourist Office at 54 2901 421423 / 423340, e-mail address : , or Ushuaia Municipal Tourist Office at 54 2901 43 2000 / 42 4550, e-mail address:

Isla Jordán –Cipollett - Luis Beltrán y Allen
Provincial Youth Festival

Because of the arrival of spring and students' day, on September 21st, the Youth Festival is celebrated on Jordán Island –Cipolletti–, at Luis Beltrán and Allen in the Province of Río Negro , and at Plottier in Neuquén. During this day, the youths gather at various green spaces in each district to have the traditional picnic, recreational and artistic activities and sport competitions. In the evening, a dance is organized in each district and the election of the Queen of Spring or Youth is made.

Huinguanco –Neuquén
Provincial Festival of the Forest

During the last week of the month the Festival of the Forest and the Forest Worker is held at Huinguanco, in Neuquén, with the purpose of paying tribute to the pioneers in this activity and to those who continue to bet on these resources with hard work and dedication. Amid the mountain range landscape, with pines lining the surrounding mounts, the event will start with a historical forest outline of Huinguanco, which was born in 1966 as a result of the urgent need to avoid the exodus of the population due to unemployment causes. After welcoming the national and provincial flags, and intoning the national anthem, allusive words will be addressed to the audience. A floral tribute will also be paid in honor to forest workers and, afterwards, the traditional popular lunch will be organized at the community center. In the afternoon, there will be exhibitions, typical dishes and handicrafts, an axe-men contest and a football skill display on the field of School 76. At 6pm, dancing will start at the amphitheater and at 9pm the election of the Queen of the Forest will take place.

San Martín de los Andes – Neuquén
Chapelco Tetrathlon

With great expectations, during the first week of the month, the start of one of the most important combined competitions in Argentina is looked forward to in San Martín de los Andes , Neuquén: the Chapelco Tetrathlon. The athletes taking part in this event must combine four disciplines along the race in a mountain circuit: ski, mountain biking, kayaking and walking race. The start is set on top of Mount Teta , in the Chapelco winter resort. After skiing along 8.5 kilometers , participants will get to the closed mountain bike park. From there, sportsmen must go along a 42-kilometer-long intense mountain path by bicycle up to the coast of Lake Lácar, where the closed kayak park is located. Once there, they must row along 8 kilometers to go all the way to and back from Catritre beach. Lastly, all the effort of this hard race must be put into the 16-kilometer running circuit. This event ends in the center of the city, opposite the offices of Nieves del Chapelco. This race is divided into two categories: Ladies and Gentlemen. The ladies are subdivided into senior and junior, being 30 the age limit between the two groups, whereas the gentlemen are divided into four groups: junior under 30, senior between 30 and 40, veterans from 40 to 50 and master for men over 50 years old. Another alternative is to race in mixed teams. This great competition is a strong challenge for competitors and an intense show for the audience that accompanies the racers along the circuit within a natural outstanding setting in Patagonia . For further information, please contact F.M. de la Montaña 105.1 Mhz. at 54 2972 42 8244. E-mail address:

Comodoro Rivadavia – Chubut
Festival of Collectivities

At Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, the collectivities of immigrants gather during this month at the Military School hall to celebrate the Festival of Collectivities. During this event, typical dishes and drinks are tasted within the setting of artistic shows presented by local groups of dancers. Among the attractive stands, there are typical flavors –both sweet and salty- from the participating collectivities, which year after year invite visitors to repeat the tradition of tasting chukrut, banitza, kebe , fish casseroles, sublakis, Arab or Chilean empanadas , tenderloin steaks with chutney or other special sauces, hamburgers and barenikes , as well as delicious Polish pies and cakes and the slaves' strudel . The collectivities taking part in this event are of Basque, Andalusian, Chilean, German, Greek, Bulgarian, Italian, Irish, Scottish, South African, Polish, Portuguese, Arabian, Brazilian, Bolivian, Paraguayan, Croatian and Spanish. The celebrations end with the election of the Queen and Princesses of the Collectivities Fair within the setting of a popular dance. For further information , contact the Comodoro Rivadavia Municipal Tourist Office at 54 297 447 4111 / 446 2376. E-mail address:

Gaiman –Chubut
Eisteddfod – Welsh Culture

During this month, the Welsh Culture Eisteddfod is celebrated at Gaiman, Chubut . This particular event is a cultural festival where singing, poetry and dancing compete. The word Eisteddfod –of Welsh origin– means “sitting”, and responds to the fact that the public attending the festival must remain in that position during the duration of the contests. Historically, the Eisteddfod origins date back from the IV Century, when a poets contest was held in Wales in which the main theme was about heroes and the struggle of peoples to break free from Roman domination on the British Islands. In addition to the hundreds of stands mounted by all kind of regional, national and international organizations, there are various theme big tops, a small theatre and the big top where the competition takes place. The judges participating under the various headings comply with a didactic task: more than granting awards, their job is to value the participant's labor, point out their skills and failures with a view to their own improvement.

Junín de los Andes –Neuquén
Laura Vicuña's Beatification Day

During this month, Laura Vicuña's Beatification Day is celebrated in Junín de los Andes , Neuquén. During that day, there is a choice to make a self-guided visit around the places where blessed Laura Vicuña (1891-1904) used to live. She is presented by the Church as a model of adolescence and an example of behavior. The Fosbery estancia , located 19 km from Junín, can be visited to access the house where she used to live with her mother and sister when they came to settle down in the area; the place where she became ill; the shrine on the corner of Laura Vicuña and San Martín Streets; the part of the river where she was bathed in order to lower her temperature when she was ill; the house where she died, located opposite the shrine; and the site where she was buried in 1904, at the foot of Mount de la Cruz. It is important to explain that since 1937 to 1958, her remains rest in the cemetery located on Necochea Avenue . Afterwards, they were taken to Bahía Blanca , where they are at present. For further information, please contact the Municipal Tourist Office at Junín de los Andes at 54 2972 49 1160.

The dates and events are subject to modification by the organizers without prior notice. Before coordinating your trip, ask at the Tourist and/or Culture Offices in each town to check on any changes.
Inter Patagonia - information about Patagonia: Agenda
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