Inter Patagonia Patagonia, Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Events calendar in Patagonia
Agenda de eventos en la PatagoniaEnglish versionthe Most Important festivals and events in Patagonia

San Antonio Oeste –Río Negro
XI National Pejerrey Six-Hour Festival

During the first week of this month, the National Pejerrey Six-Hour Festival will be held at the venue of the Club Náutico, Social y de Pesca San Antonio Oeste –Río Negro. Hundreds of professional and amateur anglers will gather to participate in this contest. There are regulations that guarantee the impartiality of the tournament, which establish items such as the fishing areas, the allowed equipment, the kind of bait and bags used to keep the caught specimens. For further information, contact Mr. Mario Stadler, phone number 54 2934 430311 or e-mail addresses or

Trelew –Chubut
The Penguin Provincial Festival

On October 20, the Penguin Provincial Festival will be celebrated in Trelew –Chubut– with cultural and recreational activities, official events, parades and the election of the queen. For further information, contact Trelew Tourist Office, e-mail address

General Conesa –Río Negro
The Farmer Provincial Festival

During this month, the Farmer Provincial Festival will be held in the district of General Conesa –Río Negro. After overcoming the economic crisis affecting farming in our country, this festival, which has identified General Conesa’s community for years, will be held once again. Well known local and national artists, such as Victor Heredia, are expected to take part in the closing of this issue.

Añelo –Neuquén
The Branding Provincial Festival

During the second fortnight of this month, the community of Añelo –Neuquén– will get ready to celebrate the Branding Provincial Festival. This event will be held in the facilities of the traditionalist center “Bajada de la Patria”, located 4 km from the center of the district, on Route 7. Since 1986, this celebration has highlighted the skills of country men and gaucho customs. Activities such as horse parades, rodeo, branding, catching animals with ropes and sortijas games will be carried out.

Trelew –Chubut
Chubut Eisteddfod

During the last weeks of the month, the traditional cultural meeting organized by the Welsh community in the South of Argentina will be held in Trelew –Chubut. In this opportunity, there will be a literary and music festival which will highlight the vitality of the Welsh language in Patagonia. This particular event reached this area through the Welsh immigrants arrived in 1865. Every competition taking place during the festival will not represent the struggle for a prize but an opportunity of learning and enjoying, sharing an enriching experience. The participation in competitions is open to any interested person or group. The Eisteddfod is the happy result of a plural contribution. Taking part in this celebration is a possibility of expressing and projecting the values of the Eisteddfod: truth, love and justice. The Eisteddfod helps fostering understanding and international peace through the language of music, singing and dancing. It is said that it minimizes the differences among nations and joins thousands of hearts together in joyful harmony. For further information, contact the Ente de Trelew Turismo, e-mail address

Comodoro Rivadavia –Chubut
Patagonia National Day

From the 11 to the 13, the Patagonia National Day is celebrated in the city of Comodoro Rivadavia –Chubut. Government and intermediate institutions take part in this act, which recalls the Indian rituals sung at the foot of Mount Chenque. It is held at the foot of the Carrero Patagónico monument, located in the vicinity of the mount mentioned above. For further information, contact the Comodoro Rivadavia Municipal Tourist Office, e-mail address

Gaiman, Trelew y Rawson - Chubut
Three Cities Marathon

A new issue of the Three Cities Marathon, which joins Gaiman, Trelew and Rawson and represents a total distance of 40 kilometers, will take place in the middle of this month. Athletes from the entire country will gather in this traditional Patagonian event, trying to succeed in the accomplishment of the resistant trial. For further information, contact the Ente de Trelew Turismo, e-mail address or

The dates and events are subject to modification by the organizers without prior notice. Before coordinating your trip, ask at the Tourist and/or Culture Offices in each town to check on any changes.
Inter Patagonia - information about Patagonia: Agenda
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