Inter Patagonia Patagonia, Monday, March 10, 2025
Events calendar in Patagonia
Agenda de eventos en la PatagoniaEnglish versionthe Most Important festivals and events in Patagonia

Rincón de los Sauces – Neuquén
Tribute to Oil Workers

On June 13, date on which the first oil well was discovered in the district of Rincón de los Sauces – Neuquén – the labor of the oil worker is commemorated. This city, considered the national capital of power, is the largest oil production area in the whole Neuquén bowl. It is due to his important production and the benefits he grants to the province, that the effort, the sacrifice and deep-rooting to which the oil worker has to submit in order to comply with his labor is highlighted. The activities to be carried out during the week are: artistic and photographic exhibitions, local companies and shops exhibitions, presentation of applicants for the election of the queen and performance of local, regional and provincial artists in various globas and venues.

Puerto Madryn – Chubut
Week of the Sea Fauna

From June 10 thru 20, various lectures devoted to research, management and protection of the fauna resources of the area will be given by outstanding experts on the subjects. The talks will be open to the general public and attendance certificates will be granted.

Ushuaia – Tierra del Fuego
The Longest Night in the Year National Festival

At the beginning of the winter season, the city of Ushuaia – Tierra del Fuego – is dressed up to celebrate this traditional musical event, that refers to the longest night in the year: June 21, 2006. During this event, the Marcha de Antorchas (Torch Parade) is held at the Encerrada bay, the Marcha de los Valles (Valleys Parade), and Nordic ski tours that link the winter resorts and summon entire families, managing a significant local, national and international scope. These functions end with a popular celebration in which Various local and nacional artists take part at the sports center in Ushuaia’s Town Hall. This festival is crowned with beautiful fireworks. This festival is also held in the city of Punta Arenas – XII Region of Chile – where local artists display their work and recreational games are organizad for the community in general.

Valcheta – Río Negro
Provincial Festival of Matras and crafts

This festival of guaraní origin consisting in worshipping the Pacha Mama (“Mother Earth”) is celebrated on the last days of June, at the district of Valcheta – Río Negro . During this celebration, gratitude is expressed and all the necessary favors for the productivity of the soil are prayed for. This event is characterized by the consumption of a beverage based on rue and cane, which will bring prosperity for those who drink it.

Castro – X Región de Chile
Saint John’s Night

In the community of Castro – X Region of Chile – every June 23 the traditional Noche de San Juan is celebrated. It is organized by the Conjunto Folclórico Magisterio de la Ciudad and the local Departamento de Cultura de la Municipalidad (Municipal Culture Office). This event is aimed at rescuing the tradition of the Chiloé archipelago, thus revaluing the local identity and fostering the community life. On that special night, regional dishes are tasted and various presentations are made: dances, songs, music and local events, and the popular Trompón dance.

The dates and events are subject to modification by the organizers without prior notice. Before coordinating your trip, ask at the Tourist and/or Culture Offices in each town to check on any changes.
Inter Patagonia - information about Patagonia: Agenda
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