Cutral-Có P. Huincul History and Legends


The present history of both cities and their geography relates them to each other strongly. They had a common origin and a paralel history. After the Conquest of the Desert in 1876, the Funes family settled in the area with a resting lodge for travellers who rode on horseback from the Cordillera to the Valley, where the last railway station was.
In 1915 arrived the Ferrocarril del Sur to kilometre 1294, and brought the first drilling equipment for the perforation of the fisrt Pozo of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales. The company, YPF built the town for the residence of its operators, on September 13, 1918.
The Registry Office was created on June 8, 1921, and on November 20, the railway station started to operate.
On November 24, 1966, YPF grants the area to the provincial state, and on February 1, 1967, Plaza Huincul´s Townhall was constituted. Since both communities were at first related to the central government through the company, they developed in a paralel way but independently from each other.

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