Cutral-Có P. Huincul

Cutral-Có Plaza Huincul Cutral-Có - Photo: Jorge González

Lying quite close to each other, they also share a common history that has made them the protagonists of this region.

Cutral Có and Plaza Huincul have managed to generate their own tourist attractions in the last few years for travelers to start considering them like an interesting destination.

Half way from Neuquén to Zapala on Route 22, both cities display an already classic view of arid, harsh and wild sceneries typical of the Patagonian steppe.

The name “Plaza Huincul” seems to mean “sentry post on the hill” for the native peoples, whereas “Cutral Có” refers to “fire watering hole”.

The truth is that by reassessing its tourist attractions, among which its oil fields and the consistent appearance of fossil remains stand out, Cutral Có and Plaza Huincul have succeeded in summoning various visitors whose perspective is generally different but nevertheless feel attracted to these two cities in a new way.

Ideal to make a stop and enjoy, both cities have interesting offers for visitors.

Tours and excursions in Cutral-Có Plaza Huincul 5 Tours and excursions

Map of Cutral-Có Plaza Huincul

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