Breaking the Silence

Contact of the excursion or tour

Patagonia Activa

Lautaro Navarro 1013, Punta Arenas, XII Región, Chile

Phone Phone: +56 61-2245494

Tour KindTour Kind: Trekking.
Level of DifficultyLevel of Difficulty: Low.
DurationDuration: 8 hours in all
TimetablesTimetables: Navigation to the Balmaceda and Serrano Glaciers leave every Wednesday at 8.00 in the morning from the Puerto Natales official pier.
Recommendations As the weather conditions are quite variable in this area, I recommend that you wear warm clothes, if possible waterproof garments with Gore-Tex lining. In order to enjoy the hike, it is best to wear hiking boots or some hard footwear. Take it easy during the ride. It is only by suppressing eagerness that you will be able to enjoy what nature has to

Activities and Tours in Puerto Natales

Hotels and accommodations in Puerto Natales

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