We just had to travel along a few kilometers to fill our lungs with fresh air and our eyes with delightful shades of green. Afterwards, in a lake with very cold waters, we tried to fish the salmon swimming in front of our eyes.
We set out with the idea of finding the lake we hard heard about. It had been described as featuring beautiful waters, good fishing and the best shade in the summer. As we got ready to cover the 26 kilometers that separate the
Puerto Aysén from Lake Riesco, we did not imagine the ride would be as attractive as the destination. From the beginning, as soon as we crossed the Presidente Ibáñez suspension bridge following Municipal Avenue and bordering the Aysén River, a winding gravel road appeared before us. Every bend hid a sequence of houses with many animals pasturing on the hillsides. Very slowly and making sure we did not disturb the environment, we discovered that countryside world with the smoke coming out of the chimneys, the murmur of the river water, some bird singing in the quietness of the surroundings. A little bit ahead, the river became full of rocks over which the water jumped and splashed trying to avoid them. These were the rapids showing off their highest intensity. The riverbanks displayed their green meadows inviting viewers to watch the water run or to sunbathe. We sat there for a while not to lose sight of the white and silver foam.

It was amazing to see that farther ahead the river changed its course: as it was deeper now, it seemed to be more plentiful. Its force also changed and it appeared to be slower and quieter on its surface. At a certain point, we found a raft that let us cross onto the other side of the river. It connected the dwellers on both sides during the daytime. Featuring a simple system, it could carry two cars or a truck and it only took a couple of minutes to cross.
Halfway, another Surprise
Farther ahead, another river appeared before us. It featured a darker shade. The Blanco River owes its color to the sediments dragged by its waters and it is a tributary to the Aysén River. This characteristic caused the vegetation on the riverbanks to turn darker and thicker. It was impossible to get lost as the road reached Lake Riesco itself. It welcomed us with leafy trees standing very close together and entire myrtle tree families with entwined branches and roots. The myrtle trees offered their shade and their intense reddish hue with white streaks providing coziness to the environment. Their large branches almost touched the water surface. Cinnamon trees,
chilcos and
michai completed the vegetation which protected the area from the winds.

A large meadow preceded the beach. Lying against a huge log, we let ourselves be rocked by silence, only interrupted by the song of the water. Salmon sport fishing is one of the activities appealing to visitors to this glacial lake that occupies a 14-square kilometer area. From the other coast, we saw salmons but they avoided our fishing rod. We promised to ask for advice and try again. Our way back was another gift: we found the same interesting spots but this time from a different perspective. We confirmed what we already knew. Beauty is appreciated twice are appreciated twice along a roundtrip.