Tour around Puerto Madryn

This is one of the cities on the Patagonian littoral area most visited by tourists from all over the world due to the wonderful natural proposals it presents.

Puerto Madryn gathers truly unique conditions. On the one hand, it possesses an interesting and significant historical value and; on the other hand, it features a well-developed urban center with modern buildings. Touring around this marvelous city implies not missing certain spots. For example, the ruins of the first Welsh settlement located in Punta Cuevas. The most ancient housing units in Patagonia were raised there. At present, an exhibition center lies on this location where objects used by the colonists are on display and the history of the Indian and Welsh cultures is identified. The monument to the Tehuelche Native is another attraction in Puerto Madryn. This site may be reached through the Indian’s Road, which borders the coastline between the dunes and the shore. Besides, from this geographical location, visitors may enjoy an excellent panoramic sight of the beaches, the industrial park and the entire city.

  • Well-developed urban center

    Well-developed urban center

  • The waterfront and its gastronomy

    The waterfront and its gastronomy

  • Immense beaches

    Immense beaches

  • Cultural options

    Cultural options

  • The monument to the Tehuelche Native

    The monument to the Tehuelche Native

  • Monument Women

    Monument Women

  • Night life

    Night life

Immersed in the metropolis, another interesting option is to visit the residential area in town, accessed through Brown Boulevard. Or else, travelers may take Roca Avenue intersection to the swimming pool called Hermandad del Escrofalo (a pioneer SCUBA diving local institution) and Club Social y Deportivo Madryn. One of the most visited monuments is that raised by architect Estanislao Boris and sculptor Luis Perlotti to commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the city, as a tribute to the Welsh community. General San Martín Square concentrates the most ancient buildings in town as well as the church. This may be the starting point for a tour if visitors take Yrigoyen Street up to Mosconi to see Chalet Pujol, which today houses the Provincial Oceanographic and Natural Science Museum. The tour may continue along Domecq García Street, which leads to Storni Pier and the aluminum plant owned by Aluar S.A. After the settlement of this plant, the industrial area was developed in the northern part of the city. Of course the great protagonists of the City of Puerto Madryn are the penguins, the whales and the sea elephants, which provide an amazing natural show year after year. A show that is hard to forget. Puerto Madryn, a city worth visiting.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Eduardo Epifanio

Contact of the excursion or tour

Secretaría de Turismo

Av. Julio A. Roca 223, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina

Phone Phone: +54 280-4453504

Tour KindTour Kind: city tour
Level of DifficultyLevel of Difficulty: low
DurationDuration: 2 hours
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