Between Los Giles lagoon and Pulmarí lake, there are hidden places to fully enjoy. A short tour between mountains, rivers and lakes for visual pleasure.
The south side of the Pehuenia Circuit is crossed by the Pulmarí River, a watercourse that rises in Lake Ñorquincó and flows into the Aluminé River. In its route of 25 km it feeds the lake of the same name and the lagoon of Los Giles. This section between the two is a full experience.
In the Pehuenia circuit
From Villa PehueniaAluminé you can access a range of walks that have routes 23 and 11 as an axis in the form of an almost perfect circle. The Pehuenia Circuit treasures as geographical references the Moquehue, Aluminé and Ñorquincó lakes and numerous rivers that ennoble this special destination in the province of Neuquén.

The lagoon of Los Giles is an excellent area for bird watching in an environment framed by mountains and vegetation, whose characteristics of shallow waters and mallines favor the habitat of numerous waterfowl. If fortune is borne by the visitor, black-necked swans, cauquenes, flamingos, wild ducks, gulls and roosters can be observed. Between the lake and the lagoon, the river acquires the character of a mountain river, boxed in and capricious.
The Pulmarí River is a destination for fly fishing, horseback riding and hiking. Canoeing allows you to explore the homonymous lake starting from the descent of Piedra Pintada and joining the river to the El Fátima campsite halfway between the lake and the lagoon. It is a contemplative tourism with imposing landscapes and magical corners to discover and spend a time of serenity and placidity.
The pure forests of araucarias give name to this circuit, the Pehuén route, almost on the border with Chile. This evergreen species is emblematic in this region and can reach 50 m in height. Several Mapuche communities settle in the area, so it is common to find small farmers, homemade products and craft shops.
The entire route has the presence of services and offer of canopy, rappelling and climbing to explore the environment from another more pulsating look. Lake Ñorquincó defines the northern boundary of Lanín National Park. There is a ranger section and a free camping area.