Every year the whales return to the Patagonian coasts to reproduce and breastfeed their young, looking for the warmest temperatures in the region.
Every year the whales return to the Patagonian coasts to reproduce and breastfeed their young, looking for the warmest temperatures in the region.
During the high season of sighting there are several accommodation promotions with excursion included to discover the sea and its most amazing inhabitants. On the other hand, the sighting of marine fauna is a usual walk to do all year round, but during these months the southern right whale takes all the applause. The rides last two and a half hours and each experience is completely different. In fact, the groups are small, which allows a more intimate and personal interaction with the environment. After a brief introduction, the boat begins its journey, and in navigation it is possible to meet dolphins, penguins, dolphins, sea lions, cormorants, petrels, albatrosses ... The guides are experts, some are biologists who also work in the centers of Wildlife observation of the region and have a vast knowledge that enriches the exits. The excursions start from the third descent of Las Grutas and from the north stop of Puerto San Antonio Este. The curiosity of the robust whales amazes us as a gift of nature, especially when we remain silent, with the boat´s engine off, enjoying the whales coming and going. Without hurry, an awakening of all the senses.
Miriam Coronel
Contact of the excursion or tour
Las Grutas Avistajes
Int. Breciano y Cona Niyeu, Las Grutas / San Antonio Oeste, Río Negro, Argentina
Phone: +54 2934-498271
Cell Phone: +54 2920-523957
Terminos y condiciones